Harding Hauling Customer Examples

Clay road pothole repair near Chickamauga Battlefield, Ringgold, GA

Dirt Road near Chickamauga Georgia 
Hauling Gravel near Chickaumga Georgia
Gravel delivery in Ringgold, Georgia
Gravel delivery and spreading in Ringgold Georgia

Problem: Severe flooding and hard driving made many potholes, including several large muddy holes bigger than a car, in this clay road.

Solution: Owner requested a light tailgate spread of 57 gravel over some of the muddy road approaching the potholes. Then, Harding Hauling spread #4 rock for a base to fill up the potholes, twice the width of the road. More 57 gravel was then added.

Call Scott at 423-602-6642 to discuss your project.
Email: Harding.HaulingGA@gmail.com

Gravel Delivery and Spreading

Before and after gravel road

Years of neglect had made this driveway nearly impassible. Harding Hauling tail spread crush and run gravel on the entire roadway to make it easy to access the home from the main roadway.

Spreading Gravel in Walker County

Harding Hauling tailgate spreads gravel on an old abandoned road in Walker County, Georgia

Garden Dirt Delivery

truckload of garden dirt delivered


Avid gardeners found that their garden was producing less and less, as the soil became depleted. Harding Hauling brought in a load of topsoil into their garden space to add the minerals and nutrients their garden plants needed.